Charity, Half Marathons and Kettlebells!!
2 days to go and then it’s time to run the first Half Marathon in Malta!!
First of all I’d like to say a massive thank you to everybody who has sponsored me. The support has been incredible from people working for deVere and also the people outside of the company. A big thank you to GAM who are my main sponsors and who’s name I will proudly wear on my shirt.
To those who know my schedule, two half marathons probably sounds a little crazy. I should declare that I haven’t done much running. In fact, I’ve done little running at all. 5 weeks ago I tore a muscle in my calf, so these half marathons, are in a way an experiment! To heal, I tried acupuncture. I’ve never done it before but it seems to have dramatically improved my leg, although I do accept that this could also be power of the mind. Nevertheless, it seems to have worked but the true test will be on Sunday. Although I did train hard using a kettlebell. There is a theory that if you do intense work outs you can maintain or improve your fitness with a kettlebell alone. So whilst traveling, our fantastic team in Malta have made sure I’ve had kettlebells in every hotel I’ve arrived at. The local managers must have thought I was slightly crazy when they were asked to make sure I had a kettlebell waiting in my hotel room. On my best day, I did achieve 650 kettlebell swings in a Bangkok hotel room! Mad? Well maybe slightly.
Between the deVere personnel and outside sponsors we have been promised 105,000 sterling for children’s charities around the world. An amazing figure and I’m extremely grateful to everyone for backing and supporting me. I’m lucky to know and work with so many talented and generous people. There are so many children around the world that suffer for one reason or another and by giving we can dramatically change many lives forever.
Do you think there is a chance I won’t make it around Malta and Paris? Of course, there is always a risk but in my mind there is no chance of not completing either the Malta or Paris marathons.
To quote one of my hero’s… “run, walk or even crawl but don’t you dare stop.” That’s exactly how I feel.
It is my pleasure this weekend to run not only with the fantastic staff from Malta but also with the the amazing Alex Flynn. Alex a successful lawyer, discovered in his thirties that he had Parkinson’s disease. People don’t realise that this dehabilitating disease affects people of all ages. In order to help raise awareness and indeed find a cure, Alex decided to run 10 million metres!!! deVere Group have supported him in this challenge. Alex has now run 9 million metres despite suffering from his body breaking down due to Parkinson’s.
If you’d like to support Alex or the deVere run, please email [email protected]
My mind set, two gentle jogs and we can raise £105,000 for children around the world!! First Malta then Paris. One step at a time.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
UPDATE:: Malta completed in 1 hour 54 mins. I’m really pleased with the time and believe that you can train for a half marathon just using kettlebells.
Now for the Paris half marathon!!