deVere named as ‘2018’s Leading Experts in Pension Planning & Investment Solutions’
deVere Group has won yet another major industry award. I’m delighted to confirm that we’ve been named as ‘2018’s Leading Experts in Pension Planning & Investment Solutions’, which is part of Wealth & Finance Magazine’s ‘Leading Experts of 2018’ awards.
Mia Broadbent, Head of Features for Wealth & Finance Magazine, says: “We seek out those who not only offered their services to firms but also those who have thrived on a commercial, independent or consumer level. We launched the ‘Leading Experts of 2018’ award to realise this goal of showcasing the very best financial professionals to our 130,000-strong global circulation.”
This award recognises the ongoing hard work and commitment of our financial advisers, coordinators and support teams around the world who devise, implement and manage sound financial planning strategies to help our clients reach their long-term financial goals for themselves and their families.
It is an independent, third party endorsement of their dedication, expertise and success – and I could not be happier for them.
Distributed each month to more than 130,000 high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals, fund managers, institutional investors and professional services firms, Wealth & Finance has rapidly become a go-to resource for those looking to make the right decisions when it comes to securing and growing their wealth.
Alongside their monthly publication, they also produce a website that is updated daily with the latest news, features, opinions and comments, again in conjunction with a host of top-level advisors, experts and businesspeople. The unique users average at an incredible 15,136 per month.
Well done, deVere!