deVere recently carried out a survey which revealed 60 per cent of higher earners in the UK, or people living abroad with financial links to Britain, are worried about the adverse impact of the November Budget on their wealth.
Indeed, when questioned if they had concerns Chancellor Rishi Sunak would have to increase taxes to help plug the government’s funding gap, 62% said ‘yes’, 17% responded ‘no’ and 21% didn’t know.
A total of 663 deVere Read More
As the 2015 general election looms closer, the subject of tax hikes continues to gain momentum amongst political parties. With socialists claiming less spending cuts and more tax hikes is the most suitable, balanced answer to Britain’s deficit, a recent article published by Paul Johnson from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Whichever way you cut it, taxes need to rise’ insists that increasing taxes in the UK is not necessary, or perhaps even viable.
Despite attempts by the government to reduce the deficit, borrowing figures for 2014/15 are worse than Read More