US Stock market to rise on Wednesday?

03 Nov
No matter who wins the presidential election Tuesday, the stock market is likely will get a increase up once election season finally ends.
A lot of the uncertainty about what will happen in this election is keeping the stock market from making gains.  
The election is holding things back more than anything.
The market also has been held back somewhat since the first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and former Gov. Mitt Romney, where Romney showed he was a contender because he’s an opponent of economic stimulus.
 It is the stimulus that is keeping the markets up in this economic cycle. The market has priced a Romney win into the market for two months.
So no matter who wins, the market should get a boost for having some certainty Unless the market then decides to focus on the so called fiscal cliff.  This market needs certainty let’s hope it gets it after the election.
And then outside of elections, the stock market seems to like the last quarter. Over the past 25 years, the law of averages favors an up market.
Since 1987, in virtually all cases, stocks have staged a big run from the October lows to the December high.
The S&P 500 Index, which has an average gain of more than 10 percent from October to December.
There is nothing certain of course in the investment world but I believe now is a good time to invest.
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