deVere Group pushes the boundaries again!
As I am sure you are now aware from my recent blog entries, deVere are never content to accept the norm. I consider, that with greater imagination and effort, we can deliver increased levels of returns and better service to our Clients. In an environment of continuing low interest rates, I am regularly being asked to explore ways of maximising Client incomes whilst at the same time continuing to deliver substantial degrees of protection against potential falls in markets.
With this message very much in my mind, we have recently been working on a number of ideas to generate regular income levels of above 10% p.a and at the same time provide solid protection against unforeseen circumstances. I am pleased to announce that the results of this work have now lead to the creation of a new Income Note that will provide clients with a potential annual income of 11.2% with the added benefit that this income will be payable in quarterly instalments of 2.6% each quarter. It’s hard to imagine that it’s possible to deliver this against current deposit levels of nearer 1%, however, as the biggest independent financial brokerage in the world, I am pleased to say that we have extremely strong leverage over some of the world’s largest Investment Banks and they are able to apply substantial resources on our behalf to find optimum solutions. Additionally this new proposition will also pay coupons even if markets are down from their starting levels by up to 20% at the end of each quarter.
Nigel Green deVere Group
Blog written 28th April