Dinner With Buffett
When I was 19 years of age a very successful man told me, you will be the same person in 5 years except for the people you meet and the books you read. As an ambitious young man I took on board what I was told and have always tried to meet top people and read books about their lives. I was therefore fascinated this week to see Warren Buffett auctioning himself as a dinner date to raise money for charity. What would you pay to have dinner with the legendary investor?
If you had a choice who would be the 5 top successful people you’d like to have dinner with an why?
Here are my Top 5
Jose Mourinho OK I’m baised but I believe Jose is a fantastic man manager. I’d love to learn his motivation skills.
Donald Trump To make a billion and then to be in debt to the tune if billion , then make a billion again is incredible.
Warren Buffett . Warren keeps investing simple. He buys companies he understands that have products with longevity. I’d love to learn from him.
Nelson Mandela . Nelson is as we all know an incredible man. To be in prision for 27 years and emerge without being bitter says everything about his inner strength.
Boone Pickens . At 85 years of age Boone still works hard everyday. He works out at 630 am to make sure he says in shape . Pickens says, I never want to be taken out of the game because i didn’t take care of myself.
Which successful person would you like a dinner date with and why?
Be careful who you pick, sometimes your choice says more about you than it does about them. All the people I choose are incredibly strong minded. I’ve always tried to develop, strength of my mind so maybe its why I admire that in the above people.
Nigel Green deVere Group
blog written 5th of June
As I read this 3 people popped into my mind:
Sir Winston Churchill and Margret Thatcher .
Both huge personalities , both changed the world ,
Churchill because of his personality and his determination .
Thatcher because of ideology and determination to WIN !
Sir Alex Ferguson :
As united supporter I saw him make Man U into the team it is today , team of winners , I would love to see how he did this .
What a lunch !
Its a great point that you make Nigel. As a company we have just come back from Sun City, South Africa where we entertained the companies top 35 advisers and managers from across the word – the elite of the financial services industry. I always use this time carefully every year and make sure that I always get new and exciting secrets from the top guys. Its amazing what you can learn from them, so for me its not always the “elders” such as the Buffet’s and Trumps but equally the newbies, the future greats!
Great quote “you will be the same person in 5 years except for the people you meet and the books you read”
My list would be (financial and business related)
Richard Branson
Larry Page
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Jobs
We should never stop learning and developing, that is for sure; Bernie Eccelstone has developed and runs a phenominal business, 82 years of age and still driving and developing. I love the story, true or false I don’t know, but typifying Bernie’s persona, of his 82nd birthday spent negotiating for a Moscow F1 race, an inspiration for us all! Long may he continue.
NELSON MANDELA: A leader in its most genuine form, gave up his life to stand by what he believed in and achieved the respect of us all.
ANDREA ANGEL BOCELLI: Born with poor eyesight, he became blind at the age of twelve following a football accident. Widely regarded as both the most popular Italian and Classical singer in the world.
SIR RICHARD BRANSON: Born in the 50s and ordinary guy come British business magnate. Besides having an estimated net worth of US$4.6 billion, owning Virgin Record music labels and Virgin Atlantic Airways, I believe he would humor me.
SIR ANTHONY HOPKINS: Welsh actor of film, stage and television and a composer. Considered to be one of the greatest living actors. Best known for his movie Silence of the Lambs.
PATRICE TLHOPANE MOTSEPE: Born in Soweto in 1962 is a South African mining magnate. In 2013, he announced he would give half his wealth to charitable causes… phenomenal.
Many of my clients hold senior positions within large multinational corporations, so on a daily basis I benefit from speaking to these people and it immediately becomes clear as to why they are at the top of their profession:
1 – desire to improve results
2 – open minded to new ideas
3 – organised
4 – outstanding work ethic
When we read the books, or watch documentaries of successful people it often strikes me that the key to success is not a magic formula , but it is simply HARD WORK.