The story gets better and better

24 Oct

2013 has been a truly spectacular year for the deVere structured note program with 25 Products maturing earlier already so far this year.

The latest example of this great story, the RBS Autocallable Note 5  matured yesterday generating coupons of 58.5% and a full return of clients’ capital in just 3 years. This Note has massively outperformed the three stock markets in which it was invested. The FTSE 100, S&P 500 and Eurostoxx 50 index only delivered a combined average return of 23.6% over the same period. The fact that Clients choosing to invest through deVere were able to generate returns of more than double this, over the same period is a valuable reminder of the benefits of including structured notes in your investment portfolio. Don’t forget that in addition to delivering great returns, the security provided by these products can also offer protection against market falls.

The list below shows all of this year’s maturities:

Note Coupons  Maturity Date Duration 
RBS Autocallable 31 15.00% 07/01/2013 6 Months
MS EM Autocallable 16.00% 23/01/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 32 13.50% 04/02/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 24 16.25% 11/02/2013 12 Months
MS EM Autocallable 20.00% 13/02/2013 12 Months
RBS Autocallable 33 13.00% 28/02/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 25 17.50% 11/03/2013 12 Months
MS Autocallable 16.75% 11/03/2013 12 Months
RBS Autocallable 34 14.00% 28/03/2013 6 Months
MS Autocallable 19.00% 15/04/2013 12 Months
RBS Autocallable 35 13.00% 26/04/2013 6 Months
Morgan Stanley Autocallable Note 18.75% 13/05/2013 12 Months
Morgan Stanley EM Autocallable Note 11.00% 16/05/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 36 12.00% 23/05/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 29 20.50% 27/05/2013 6 Months
Morgan Stanley Autocallable Income Note 13.25% 28/05/2013 6 Months
MS 5 Year Autocallable on 3 Indices 19.25% 10/06/2013 12 Months
RBS Autocallable 3 60.00% 01/07/2013 36 Months
MS 5 Year Autocallable on 3 EM 21.50% 08/07/2013 12 Months
MS 5 Year Autocallable on 3 Indices 18.00% 05/08/2013 12 Months
MS 5 Year Autocallable on 3 Indices 18.00% 03/09/2013 12 Months
RBS Autocallable 4 52.50% 13/09/2013 36 Months
Morgan Stanley 17.75% Autocallable Note 17.75% 30/09/2013 12 Months
Goldman Sachs  – US / Europe / HK Auto Note (3) 10.75% 02/10/2013 6 Months
RBS Autocallable 05 58.50% 22/10/2013 36 Months


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