Questions about deVere client charges and fees

During a recent interview at the London Stock Exchange, which set out to cover how deVere has grown, our plans for the future, and the outlook for international investors for 2016, I was also asked in-depth about deVere Group’s charges for clients, fees, and commission structures.

Click here to see the video.
Former Sunday Times and Daily Express deputy personal finance editor, Holly Thomas, began the interview by stating that deVere has come “under some criticism” for its charges and asked how I responded to this claim.

I was only too happy to answer this important point.  Indeed, it gave me an opportunity to set the record straight because like all high profile finance firms – including financial advisory companies, banks, investment entities, brokers, and insurance companies –  we do occasionally sometimes get challenged regarding our charging structures.

In answering her question, I told Holly that people do fully understand that like for any professional service, such as those of a lawyer or architect, there will be a charge.  All professionals in any industry will, naturally, require to be paid for their service.

But it is essential that there is complete transparency and full disclosure on charges from the start. Any agreements should disclose HOW charges are made, HOW MUCH will be charged, the service expectations, the levels of protection, and so on.

I went on to explain more about the main differences between fees and commission, and how much clients are charged, before highlighting how deVere maintains its globally competitive edge, how I founded deVere, our vision for the future and our forecasts for 2016.

To see the full interview click here.

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